Test: Is the Treatment Suitable for Me?
Savir Center offers different techniques to restore vision: vision training, relaxation techniques and non-invasive brain stimulation. To know if our therapy is suitable for you, you can check following points:
Is There Still Residual Vision Left?
In many cases, where a “complete vision loss” is assumed, there is actually still some residual visual capacities. The best way to determine whether you have residual vision or not, is to observe if you subjectively see anything, even if the visual field is very small, your vision is foggy, or you just have light and dark perception. The visual tests used in the doctor´s office is not designed to inspect residual vision; they are designed to detect deficits as early as possible. This means, you may still have some residual vision, even if the visual field chart appears black when the ophthalmologist measures your visual field.
You May Benefit If Any One or More of the Following Criteria Apply:
- “Cortical blindness” (loss of vision without morphological evidence of damage)
- Dry macular degeneration
- Visual cognition impairments (even if there is no detectable visual field loss)
- Glaucoma
- Optic nerve damage (irrespective of cause)
- Diabetic retinopathy
- Unspecific and unexplainable vision loss
- Stroke with vision loss
- Braintrauma
- Amblyopia (weak sightedness)
- Retinitis pigmentosa (RP)
Note: There is no upper limit for the period that has already passed since the loss of vision: the treatment is not less effective when the damage occurred many years ago.
Exclusion Criteria for Current Stimulation:
We cannot offer currents stimulation if one or more of the following points apply to you:
- Electric or electronic implants (e.g. heart pacemakers or defibrillators. In rare cases acceptable – please inform us beforehand)
- Any metal artifacts in your head.
Note: dental implants or small titanium screws are no problem - Epileptic seizures within the last three years
- Untreated diabetes
- Drug abuse
- Serious psychiatric diseases, e.g. schizophrenia etc.
- Uncontrolled high blood pressure (greater 160) or high blood pressure fluctuations around this value.
- Intraocular pressure more than (above) 27 mmHg
- Complete blindness in both eyes
Contact us. We can advise you by telephone, whether and when the treatment is suitable for you.