
  • Glaucoma Success Stories: Franses Doubled Her Visual Field Size After Therapy SAVIR GmbH

    Glaucoma Success Stories: Franses Doubled Her Visual Field Size After Therapy

    Click here to listen to the glaucoma therapy success stories from Franses as audio (English): Franses N. was already over 70 years old when she came to Savir Center for therapy for vision loss caused by glaucoma. Since 1998 this Australian was suffering from normal-tension glaucoma. Even though she had visited several ophthalmologists, and tried…

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  • Frauenauge Augeninnendruck

    Green Star (Glaucoma) and Eye Pressure

    The Glaucoma is a group of diseases that can cause vision loss and even blindness by damaging the eye’s optic nerve. The optic nerve transmits information from the retina to the brain. Contrary to macular degeneration, which affects the central vision, glaucoma affects the peripheral or side vision first. This ailment is very slow in developing. A…

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  • Elements of Holistic Vision Restoration SAVIR GmbH

    Elements of Holistic Vision Restoration

    For the optimal use of brain mechanisms, Savir-therapy combines several modules to maximally activate the residual vision for each patient. The therapy follows a holistic concept: holistic means that all the important factors about vision are considered as parts of the therapy. The selection of vision restoration modules is evidence-based and can be explained by…

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  • Test: Is the Treatment Suitable for Me? SAVIR GmbH

    Test: Is the Treatment Suitable for Me?

    Savir Center offers different techniques to restore vision: vision training, relaxation techniques and non-invasive brain stimulation. To know if our therapy is suitable for you, you can check following points: Is There Still Residual Vision Left? In many cases, where a “complete vision loss” is assumed, there is actually still some residual visual capacities. The…

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  • Savir team

    We Take Care of Your Eyesight

    The Savir Center offers a holistic therapy for the improvement of low vision and partial blindness following diseases of the retina, optic nerve, or brain. The goal of the therapy is the improvement and most efficient use of residual vision, that is the abilities the patient still has.  The therapy is effective independent of age,…

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  • Find Answers to Your Questions SAVIR GmbH

    Find Answers to Your Questions

    You have surely some questions about us and the treatment. We have listed the most frequently asked questions below. Of course, You are also welcome to contact us by telephone. Since we admit new patients every Monday, please call us Tuesday to Thursday between 9 AM and 4 PM (CET). Or you can always send…

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  • Savir center

    You Would Like to Come to Us for Treatment?

    Want to come to Savir Center to restore your vision? Follow the following steps to plan your appointment with us. In order to guarantee an individualized treatment in Magdeburg, we only admit a limited number of new patients per week. This allows us to take your wishes into accounts, such as treatment times, additional practice…

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  • What Do Scientists Think About Vision Restoration? SAVIR GmbH

    What Do Scientists Think About Vision Restoration?

    In the past, many doctors believed that it was impossible to restore vision and that there was no such thing as brain plasticity. But the evidence has become too overwhelming to be ignored. Not only have different laboratories come to similar conclusions that improving vision is possible, but they’re also are some very prominent supporters…

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  • Benjamin - an Example of the Effect of the Savir Therapy SAVIR GmbH

    Benjamin – an Example of the Effect of the Savir Therapy

    We want to introduce you to the effect of the Savir therapy with a case report. Benjamin P., age 27, suffered from severe injuries following a violent assault, which heavily impaired his vision on both eyes: He was unable to see anything with his left eye and could only see very little with his right…

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